Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute

The Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute saves the generational needs of the Japanese American community of the South Bay Area through educational, cultural and social programs. V.
Gay Asian Pacific Alliance, Inc.

The Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) in the San Francisco Bay Area is an organization dedicated to furthering the interests of gay and bisexual Asian/Pacific Islanders by creating awareness, by ...
Gen Taiko

Founded in 1995, the mission of Gen Taiko is to promote, preserve and present the matsuri (festival) spirit in Japanese culture through taiko (traditional Japanese drumming), traditional folk dance ...
Go For Broke National Education Center

The Go For Broke National Education Center teaches and preserves the American story and legacy of American veterans of Japanese ancestry whose heroism and sacrifices during World War II triumphed ...
Golden Gate Optimist Club

By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in kids.
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center

Green Gulch Far Zen Center, also known as Green Dragon Temple (Soryu-ji), is a Buddhist practice center in the Japanese Soto Zen tradition in Zen meditation and ordinary work. It is one of three ...
Gum Moon Women's Residence

Gum Moon Women's Residence offers residence and training programs for low-income immigrant women, youth and children in a geographic and social transition in need of a safe sanctuary to live in. ...