- Advocacy - Political (28)
- Arts - Cultural (62)
ABC Preschool

The ABC Preschool program (not for daycare) specializes in Japanese language and culture with emaphsis on emotional development and music. Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 3-5 years; 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 ...
Adult Substance Abuse Treatment Services, c/o Asian Ame...

The Adult Substance Abuse Treatment (ASATS) specializes in treatment services for the Asian/Pacific Islander community and other diverse non-API communities of Santa Clara county. Clean and sober ...
Aikido Center

Train in the Way through Aikido. Weekday evenings.
Aikido of Japantown

Aikido of Japantown emphasizes teaching the principles of the art which translate into applications for more effective communication, relationships and functioning in daily life. These principles ...
Aldersgate United Methodist Church

Aldersgate United Methodist Church is a reconciling congregation and is open and affirming to all. Sunday Service begins at 10:00 a.m. and is led by Rev. Roger Morimoto.
Arcata Zen Group

The Arcata Zen Group is a Soto Zen Buddhist sangha practicing on the North Coast of California that welcomes anyone who wants to learn about and practice the Buddha's teachings. The group offers a ...
Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization committed to the development of a peaceful, prosperous, just and open Asia-Pacific region. The Foundation supports programs in Asia ...
Asia Policy Point

Founded in 1991 as the Japan Information Access Project and renamed in 2006, Asia Policy Point (APP) is an independent, U.S. nonprofit research center studying the U.S. policy relationship with ...
Asia Society - New York City Headquarters

Asia Society is the leading global and pan-Asian organization working to strengthen relationships and promote understanding among the people, leaders and institutions of the U.S. and Asia. Asia ...
Asia Society - Northern California

Drawing on its strength as one of the nation's pre-eminient educational and networking links between Americans and Asians, the Asia Society in Northern California strives to offer fresh perspectives ...
Asia Society - Southern California

The mission of the Asia Society of Southern California is to build bridges of understanding and opportunity between East and West in Southern California, the US gateway to the Asia and Pacific.
Asia Society - Texas Center

Since 1979, Asia Society - Texas Center has served as a forum for viewpoints and discussions on Asia-related topics offering more than 100 programs each year.
Asia Society - Washington DC

The Asia Society of Washington DC provides a forum in the nation's capital for diplomats, Members of Congress, government officials, journalists, scholars, artists, business executives and others to ...
Asian American Architects and Engineers - Northern Cali...

Asian American Architects and Engineers (AAAE) promotes equal opportunity for Asian American architects, engineers and designers and is a clearinghouse and information center providing assistance to ...
Asian American Arts Alliance

Asian American Arts Alliance is dedicated to strengthening Asian American arts and cultural groups in New York City through funding, visiability initiatives, and access to new resources. D,V.
Asian American Business Roundtable

The mission of the Asian American Business Roundtable is to help Asian Americans, Pacific Americans and other American minority-owned companies to expand their market with the Federal government as ...
Asian American Curriculum Project, Inc.

Asian American Curriculum Project, Inc., (AACP) offers Asian American books and educational materials to schools, libraries and the general public. B,D,V.
Asian American Dance Performances

Asian American Dance Performances (AADP) exists to provide a vehicle through which Asian Americans can express, interpret and articulate their diverse cultural heritages and experiences through ...
Asian American Donor Program

The mission of the Asian American Donor Program is to increase the number of Asian American volunteers in the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), giving greater access for Asians to life-saving ...